Join us!

The lab will be opening in early 2025, and we are recruiting scientists to join us at all levels. We are committed to building an inclusive, collaborative, and multidisciplinary environment and welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds and with varied career goals.

Research Staff

We are recruiting staff researchers both at the junior (BA/BS) and senior (PhD) levels.  At the senior level, we seek scientists with experience in proteomics, membrane protein biochemistry, and/or computational microscopy. At the junior level, we seek scientists looking to gain experience in biochemistry and cell biology research while supporting the general operations of the lab. Junior research staff can expect hands-on training and mentorship tailored to their career goals.

Official job openings will be posted soon. In the meantime, interested candidates can send an email to Emily with (1) a CV, (2) a brief cover letter describing their previous experience and interest in the lab, and (3) contact information for two (junior researcher applicants) or three (senior researcher applicants) references. 

Postdoctoral Fellows

We welcome inquiries from prospective postdoctoral fellows from diverse scientific backgrounds: no experience in GPCR biology is necessary! Scientists with experience in proteomics, membrane protein biochemistry, and/or computational microscopy are particularly encouraged to reach out. Interested candidates should send an email to Emily with (1) a CV, (2) a brief cover letter describing their previous experience, interest in the lab, and career goals, and (3) contact information for three references. 

Graduate Students

Prospective graduate students should apply to the Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology, and Genetics Graduate Program (MCDB&G). Current students interested in rotating can contact Emily to discuss potential projects in the lab.

Undergraduate Students

We welcome undergraduates who are excited to gain experience doing science and will be able to begin taking students in Summer 2025. Students should reach out to Emily with a brief description of their interests, what they hope to gain from their time in the lab, and their availability during term/summer. Prospective students are encouraged to apply for external support, such as through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), and Emily is happy to support such applications.